Good news!

I made Student Council! In sixth grade I tried to but we only got1 days notice to write an essay to become a candidate! The next year , they asked me to tape my speach first but it got cut so no one even new I was running. This year we had to answer a questionaire and turn it in. Then out of those turned in, the Student Council sponsor picked out those who would be placed on the ballot to be voted on. So, out of those 20 kids who ran for SC, only 3 or4 of us were going to be elected.
I was so excited when I heard my name announced over the intercom, but I tried not to smile when I found out because there were a lot of kids in my advisory that didn't make it. It was really hard not to though! :)
That was a huge accomplishment for me. I mean I prayed every night that I would make it.
This has made my day.