An original song by Ashley

Would you like to go to the zoo?
If you could talk to the monkey,
What would you do?
When you talked to the monkey,
The monkey wouldn't talk back to you.
Instead the monkey,
Would throw poo at you!
But if you became the monkey,
And the monkey became you,
Would you throw poo at the monkey?
OOPS! That would beYOU!
If this is what you do with your Freedom, I'd suggest that you be locked up!
Very funny and very disturbing girl.
Sarah, at 8:27 AM
Ash - you are a monkey! Poor Bananas has some competition with you! Just don't be throwing poo on your parents! I don't think they'd appreciate it.
The 6 Karns', at 9:03 AM
welcome Ashley! i think yours will be a fun site and i look forward to your monkey the way, i call my weiner dog the little monkey (that's a dog) I guess there's hidden meaning there! maybe i just wanted a pet monkey and had to settle for Josie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........ruth
ruthrap, at 9:21 AM
Ashley, this is your mom's Chem 2 class. We are exhausted from ALL the NOTES your mom gave us and we needed a little pick-me-up. This song is hilarious and we want to hear you sing it sometime!
We love monkeys, too!
Angie and Jackie
*They couldn't publish so I did it for them,
Libby, at 11:36 AM
Do you have a hit here?Will it be on the radio?
Sylvia, at 1:13 PM
You make your daddy sooooo proud!
Darrell, at 10:59 PM
Ashley you are the correct speller of Jose! and Libby you are a math major!!just kidding. Don't feel sister-in-law spells it Hose! I have to work Easter Sunday,so I will extend the invitation to Mr. Salazar....tell your Mom she might want to call him! hee hee!
ruthrap, at 9:52 PM
ROTFLOL!!! That is to funny!!!
Unknown, at 9:01 PM
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